La autonomía máxima de una bicicleta eléctrica con batería de 48V

Bicicletas eléctricas debido a los requisitos de la norma, la velocidad de este tipo de vehículos no debe exceder los 25 km/h. Sin embargo, no se puede subestimar el rango de resistencia. Aunque la norma limita la velocidad, no limita el rango de resistencia. Hoy en día, muchas bicicletas eléctricas simplificadas tienen una mayor autonomía que las motos eléctricas o las motos eléctricas ligeras, aunque su velocidad no es tan rápida. Esto hace que mucha gente se pregunte por qué las bicicletas eléctricas, que son de tamaño pequeño, pueden funcionar tan lejos. Hoy, mediante pruebas reales, veremos hasta dónde puede llegar realmente una bicicleta eléctrica de 48V.

Si hace unos años todo el mundo pensaría que la autonomía de las bicicletas eléctricas no es tan buena como la de las motos eléctricas, al fin y al cabo, las baterías instaladas en las motos eléctricas son mucho mayores. Sin embargo, con la mejora continua de la tecnología de las baterías, el aumento de la capacidad de las baterías y el desarrollo de las baterías de iones de litio, la autonomía de los vehículos eléctricos también ha mejorado considerablemente. Ahora muchos fabricantes afirman que sus bicicletas eléctricas pueden recorrer 100 kilómetros o incluso hasta 200 kilómetros como máximo. ¿Es este realmente el caso?

1. Los valores de resistencia teóricos difieren de los de la conducción real.

Creo que la publicidad del fabricante debe ser superior a la gama real. Por ejemplo, el fabricante afirma que una vez que el automóvil está completamente cargado, puede recorrer 150 kilómetros, pero en realidad, puede que solo recorra 120 kilómetros, o incluso menos de 100 kilómetros, porque la prueba del fabricante puede no realizarse en condiciones de carga pesada. o considere la pendiente y la temperatura.

Por ejemplo, una bicicleta eléctrica se encuentra en un estado de carga ligera, como cuando una niña de 80 libras mantiene una velocidad de 20 kilómetros por hora y las condiciones de la carretera son siempre relativamente planas. Además es verano y la batería es nueva. Entonces, la autonomía es ciertamente grande, y podemos calcularla en función de 100 kilómetros de autonomía.

Pero si un hombre de 180 libras lleva a un niño de 11 años de 80 libras para viajar juntos, mantiene una velocidad de 23 a 25 kilómetros, a menudo tiene una pendiente durante la conducción y es en invierno, es posible que solo corra 50-60. kilómetros, aunque sea una batería nueva. Por lo tanto, para calcular el rango real de resistencia, debemos considerar la velocidad, la carga, la temperatura y las condiciones de la carretera, y no podemos generalizar.

2.Requisitos estándar de bicicletas eléctricas

The standard for electric bicycles requires that the voltage of the battery should not exceed 48V, the total weight of the vehicle should not exceed 55 kilograms, and the speed should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the width of the vehicle body should not exceed 0.45 meters. Therefore, if you want to install a lead-acid battery, you cannot install a large-capacity battery, such as a 48V 32Ah battery. Although the range of endurance is far, it cannot be installed at all due to the limitation of the standard electric vehicle body. Even if it is installed, the weight of the vehicle itself will be increased, which naturally does not meet the regulations.

Por lo tanto, muchos fabricantes utilizan ahora baterías de iones de litio, que son ligeras y de tamaño pequeño. Incluso si un48V 20Ah lithium-ion battery is installed, its weight and volume are not large. However, the range of endurance with a 48V 20Ah lithium-ion battery may reach 70-80 kilometers. The maximum range of endurance for an electric bicycle equipped with a 48V 26Ah lithium-ion battery may reach 100-120 kilometers.

48v 20ah lithium electric bicycle battery - manly

3.Actual riding experience is more practical

Sin embargo, la teoría es sólo teoría. Con una carrocería de vehículo tan pequeña, no es factible correr una distancia tan larga y es posible que el conductor no pueda manejarla. El scooter eléctrico en sí tiene un cuerpo pequeño y un asiento relativamente pequeño. Si el tiempo de conducción es demasiado largo, como por ejemplo una autonomía superior a 30 kilómetros, la experiencia de conducción puede volverse incómoda e incluso insegura. Por tanto, en mi opinión, un patinete eléctrico con una autonomía de 30-50 kilómetros es más adecuado. Si el alcance es demasiado largo, el costo aumentará. Es posible que un scooter eléctrico con una batería de litio instalada sea más caro que una motocicleta eléctrica con una batería de 60 voltios. Además, una autonomía demasiado larga puede provocar molestias durante la conducción, ya que la experiencia de conducción de un scooter eléctrico no es tan cómoda como la de una motocicleta eléctrica o una motocicleta eléctrica ligera.

4. Tips of Extend Battery Life of Electric Bicycle

When it comes to the care and keeping of an electric bicycle battery, there are a few things you really need to know to keep that battery life of electric bicycle lasting long. Whether you’re a daily commuter on your e-bike or just enjoy the occasional ride, understanding the basics can make a big difference.

First off, keeping your battery charged is crucial. You don’t want to leave it empty for too long. Try to charge it at least once a month to keep the battery active and ready to go. It’s like making sure you have enough gas in your car before you start driving—you wouldn’t want to run out halfway!

Using the right charger is also super important. Stick to the charger that came with your bike or one that the manufacturer recommends. This helps avoid overcharging the battery, which can be really bad for its health. Think of it as feeding your battery the right kind of food—it needs just the right amount to stay healthy.

You’ll also want to keep your battery in a cool, dry place. Extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, aren’t good for batteries and can mess with their performance and lifespan. It’s kind of like how you wouldn’t want to leave your smartphone out in the sun or in a frozen car overnight.

Regular check-ups are a must. Take a look at the battery’s case, the cables, and the connections to make sure everything’s in good shape. If you see any damage or something looks off, it’s better to get it fixed right away. It’s just like taking your car in for an oil change or a tune-up—it helps prevent bigger problems down the road.

Be gentle with your battery. Rough rides over bumpy roads can shake things up inside the battery, which isn’t good for it. When you can, choose smooth paths or roads that won’t rattle your ride too much.

Try not to let the battery run down too much. Keeping the charge above 20% can really help extend its life. Think of it as avoiding running on fumes—it’s just better for the engine, or in this case, the battery!

If you’re not going to use your electric bicycle for a while, store the battery properly. Keep it somewhere cool and dry, away from direct sunlight and damp conditions. It’s like putting your bike in a cozy garage instead of leaving it out in the rain.

Cleaning is simple but important. Just wipe down the battery with a damp cloth to keep dust and dirt from building up. It’s a quick and easy way to keep things clean and working well.

And remember, if you ever need to fix or replace something, it’s best to call in the pros. Tinkering with the battery on your own can be risky if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

By following these tips, you can keep your battery life of electric bicycle in top shape, making your rides smoother and more enjoyable. It’s all about taking good care of your gear so it takes care of you when you’re out there riding.

5. How much does it cost to replace an electric bike battery?

When it comes to electric bicycles, the battery is the heart of your ride, powering you over hills and through the streets with ease. Understanding the factors that affect the electric bicycle battery price and cost is crucial for any e-bike owner looking to manage their investment wisely. Here’s what you need to know about electric bicycle batteries, from costs to technical aspects that influence their performance and price.

The Brand Factor
The cost of an electric bicycle battery can vary significantly depending on the brand. Established, reputable brands often charge more for their batteries due to their proven track record of reliability and performance. For instance, a battery from a well-known manufacturer might be priced higher than one from a lesser-known brand, even if they offer similar specifications. However, it’s not always just about the brand name—quality and service are just as important. Brands like MANLY Battery, known for their high-quality products, offer batteries ranging from $230 to $570, depending on the specifications and customizations needed for different e-bike models.

Technical Specifications
Several technical factors also play a critical role in the pricing of an electric bicycle battery:

  • Capacity: The battery’s capacity, usually measured in amp-hours (Ah) or watt-hours (Wh), determines how long you can ride before needing a recharge. Higher capacity often leads to a higher price but provides a longer range.
  • Type and Build Quality: Batteries can be made from different materials, with lithium-ion being the most common due to its efficiency and longevity. The build quality, including the durability of the battery case and the quality of the internal components, can also affect the cost.
  • Weight and Range: The battery’s weight is crucial as it influences the overall weight of the bike, which in turn affects how hard the motor has to work. A lighter battery means less strain on the motor and longer battery life. The range of the battery, or how far you can ride on a single charge, is a key performance metric that can impact price.

Practical Advice
When shopping for a new electric bicycle battery, consider the listed range and the weight of the battery. If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution, it might be tempting to opt for cheaper models, but this can be misleading. A cheaper battery might not provide the long-term reliability and performance you need, leading to more frequent replacements and higher costs over time.

Purchasing through your bike’s original manufacturer or a trusted vendor like MANLY Battery can often save you money and ensure compatibility and quality. MANLY, for example, provides customized battery solutions tailored to fit specific bike models, which can be a great benefit if you need a battery that matches your bike’s original specifications.

La línea de fondo
Buying an electric bicycle battery is an investment in your biking experience. It’s worth spending time to consult with experts and consider all factors, including price, capacity, type, weight, and range. At MANLY Battery, we simplify the process by offering replacement batteries for various brands, ensuring that you get a high-quality, compatible battery without having to delve too deeply into technical details.

In conclusion, while the initial cost of a quality electric bicycle battery might be higher, the long-term benefits of reliability, extended range, and overall satisfaction can outweigh the expense. Make sure to weigh these factors carefully to choose the best battery for your electric bicycle, ensuring many miles of happy riding.

6.In conclusion

En un futuro próximo, se podrán fabricar vehículos eléctricos con una autonomía de 500 kilómetros por carga gracias al continuo avance de la tecnología de las baterías. Sin embargo, ¿cuántas personas utilizarían realmente vehículos eléctricos con una autonomía superior a los 200 kilómetros? En realidad, además del personal de entrega y algunas personas que trabajan lejos de casa, la mayoría de la gente sólo necesita una autonomía de 30 a 60 kilómetros. Independientemente del tipo de vehículo eléctrico que elijamos, debemos prestar atención a la seguridad en la conducción, usar casco y respetar las normas de tráfico, para hacer de la conducción una experiencia placentera.

Más información sobre la batería
