Can You Mix Old And New Batteries In A Golf Cart?

Maintaining your golf cart requires careful consideration, especially when it comes to managing its golf cart batteries. Many owners wonder if they can mix old and new batteries for golf cart setups, especially when looking to cut costs with inexpensive golf cart batteries or discount golf cart batteries. This guide addresses whether it’s feasible and safe to mix battery types and the potential risks of combining old and new batteries in a single system.

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The Composition of Golf Cart Batteries

Types of Golf Cart Batteries

Golf cart batteries mainly come in two types: lead-acid and lithium-ion. Lead acid batteries are the traditional choice. They are cheaper but heavier. Lithium ion batteries are more modern, lighter, and last longer, but they are also more expensive.

Voltage and Internal Resistance

New golf cart batteries have higher voltage and lower internal resistance. For example, a new 12V golf cart battery has an internal resistance of 0.015-0.018 ohms. Old batteries, on the other hand, have higher resistance, often above 0.085 ohms. This difference can affect how well your golf cart runs.

Risks of Mixing Old and New Batteries

Voltage Mismatch

When you mix old and new batteries for golf cart, their voltages don’t match. For instance, a new 12v golf cart battery may have a low internal resistance of 0.5 ohms, while an old battery might drop to 11V and have a higher internal resistance of 2 ohms. This difference can cause uneven current distribution, leading to over-discharge of the old battery and potentially reverse charging, which is harmful.

Efficiency Problems

When you mix old and new batteries in series, the higher internal resistance of the old battery reduces the overall efficiency. For example, if the total resistance in the circuit is 10 ohms, including the golf cart’s components, adding the resistance of the batteries results in a total resistance of 12.5 ohms (0.5 ohms for the new battery + 2 ohms for the old battery + 10 ohms for other components). The total voltage is 23V (12V + 11V), so the current II can be calculated as:

I=Total Voltage / Total Resistance=(12V+11V) / 12.5Ω≈1.84A

This lower current affects the cart’s performance negatively.

Parallel Use Issues

Using old and new batteries in parallel can also cause problems. The voltage mismatch will cause current to flow from the new battery to the old one, speeding up the wear on the old battery and leading to improper charging. The new battery, with its lower internal resistance, will handle more current, causing it to age faster.

Safety Risks

Mixing old and new batteries can lead to significant safety issues. The imbalance can cause the batteries to overheat, swell, and in extreme cases, short circuit or catch fire. For example, if one battery has a lower capacity, it might discharge faster, causing the other batteries to compensate and work harder, which can be dangerous.

Uniform Performance

To keep your golf cart running smoothly, it’s best to replace all batteries at the same time with the same brand and type. This ensures they all charge and discharge at the same rate, providing consistent performance and reducing the risk of failure. Using new golf cart batteries ensures that all batteries are at the same level of performance and longevity.

Can You Mix Battery Brands

Different Control Systems

Different brands of golf cart batteries often use different control systems, such as Bluetooth management. This means they might not communicate well with each other, leading to performance issues.

Compatibility Issues

Just like mixing old and new golf cart batteries is not recommended, mixing battery brands is also a bad idea. Batteries from different brands can have different voltages, capacities, and internal resistances. These differences can cause imbalances, affecting the overall performance of your golf cart.

Safety Risks

Using mismatched batteries can lead to overcharging and over-discharging. This can cause overheating, swelling, and in extreme cases, fires. For example, if one battery has a lower capacity, it might discharge faster, causing the other batteries to compensate and work harder, which can be dangerous.

Uniform Performance

To keep your golf cart running smoothly, it’s best to use batteries of the same brand, type, and age. This ensures they all charge and discharge at the same rate, providing consistent performance and reducing the risk of failure.

Tips for Replacing Golf Cart Batteries

Signs You Need New Batteries

1. Long Charging Time

If your golf cart used to charge overnight but now takes 12 hours or more, it’s a sign the batteries are failing. This gradual change in charging time indicates that your batteries can no longer hold a charge efficiently.

2. Quick Power Loss

Does your golf cart lose power quickly after charging? This is a sign of reduced battery capacity. Worn-out batteries cannot store as much energy, so your cart will not run as long between charges.

3. Slow Acceleration

If your golf cart feels sluggish and doesn’t accelerate like it used to, the batteries might be to blame. Weak batteries can’t provide the necessary power for quick acceleration, making your cart feel slow and unresponsive.

4. Visible Damage

Check your batteries for signs of acid leaks, swelling, or corrosion. If you see any of these, it’s time to replace the batteries. Damaged batteries are dangerous and should be handled with care to avoid contact with battery acid.

Number of Batteries

Knowing how many batteries in a golf cart can help you plan for replacements. Most golf carts use 6, 8, or 12 batteries, depending on their power requirements. Check your cart’s manual to confirm the exact number and type of batteries needed.

Choosing the Right Batteries

When replacing your golf cart batteries, it’s important to choose the right type. Stick with the same brand and type to avoid compatibility issues. Mixing different brands or types can lead to uneven performance and possible damage to your cart’s electrical system.

Where to Buy

For quality and reliability, consider buying your new golf cart batteries from MANLY Battery. Here are some features of MANLY Battery:

Tailored to Your Needs: MANLY offers bespoke battery services with unmatched customization opportunities in voltage, capacity, aesthetics, and more. Each product is tailored to fit client specifications perfectly.

Global Recognitions: MANLY battery come with prestigious global certifications like UN38.3, IEC62133, UL, and CE, ensuring top-notch quality and safety.

Decade-long Warranty Commitment: MANLY provides a 10-year warranty, reinforcing their commitment to quality and durability.

Safety and Functionality Hand in Hand: MANLY batteries feature short circuit protection, overcharge safeguards, and overcurrent preventions. They function flawlessly even after severe impacts and offer flexible connection options.

Performance Under Pressure: MANLY LiFePO4 batteries operate optimally between -20°C to 75°C (-4°F to 167°F), making them suitable for harsh environments. However, following the recommended temperature guidelines for charging ensures peak performance.

Setting Efficiency Benchmarks: With a remarkable energy efficiency rate of 95%, MANLY LiFePO4 batteries charge faster and consume less energy compared to traditional lead-acid batteries, which hover around 70%.

Innovative User Experience: MANLY batteries come with modern features such as Bluetooth connectivity and an intuitive battery level display.


It’s clear that mixing old and new golf cart batteries can lead to numerous problems, ranging from reduced efficiency to potential safety risks. The uniformity in power delivery is crucial for maintaining the performance and safety of your golf cart. Whether considering replacing a single golf cart battery or questioning how many batteries in a golf cart need changing, it is advisable to replace all batteries simultaneously with the same brand and model. This approach ensures that no older golf cart battery compromises the functionality of the system. Moreover, while it might be tempting to mix battery brands or incorporate inexpensive golf cart batteries, consistent and reliable performance is most often achieved through uniform, quality battery replacements. Avoiding the mix can prevent the scenario where one bad golf cart battery can cause problems, ensuring your golf cart operates at its best for longer.

Learn More About Battery

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