The advantages and development trend of security robots

Security robots - manly

Robot technology has always been a research field that humans attach great importance to. As the technology with the most research and development value in the future, it will be widely used in various high-tech industries. In recent years, robots have become more and more intelligent, and the reason is due to the development of a series of emerging technologies, mainly including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, computer vision, etc. In particular, the rapid development of artificial intelligence has enabled robots to have higher intelligence and can replace humans to undertake more and more important tasks

According to statistics, in the security group, security personnel over 40 years old are as high as 55%. As a result, the security industry is in an unstable state. At the same time, the existing products in the security industry have certain problems. One is that there are many types, but single functions and lack of flexibility; secondly, the existing security products cannot intelligently process monitoring information and require manual processing. In addition, a large number of security personnel are required, and the timeliness of information processing may be affected by other factors. With the rapid development of information technology and the rapid growth of the real estate industry, the concept of smart city has emerged spontaneously, and security robots have quietly emerged as a complex of comprehensive artificial intelligence, automatic control and other technologies.

The security robot will be based on the mobile control platform, on which the navigation system, inspection system, vision processing technology, feature recognition, positioning technology and other technologies will be built. Compared with the previous security system, the security robot has the following advantages:

24/7 autonomous patrol. In the automatic patrol mode, the robot does not need too much human intervention. The robot will control the movement of the mobile platform according to its own navigation system and positioning system. At the same time, multiple robots can be used in the patrol area to form a patrol network without dead ends, so that even if one robot is automatically charging, other robots can automatically patrol, which makes the security work more stringent.

Intelligent analysis and alarm. Security robots can be equipped with various sensors: cameras, temperature sensors, gas sensors, temperature sensors, and more. Using sensor information, combined with computer vision, speech recognition, sensors and other technologies to monitor the surrounding environment in real time. When the robot finds a suspected abnormality through pedestrian identification, smoke detection, temperature detection, etc., it can actively turn on its own alarm device, and notify the corresponding security personnel through the Internet and other means.

Compared with humans, robots can continue security patrol work in relatively harsh environments, such as strong winds, heavy rains, cold, and high temperatures.